
work in progress


I would like to invite you to take part in my new project.

The new project is called SURROUND. It is dedicated to all the sounds of our planet. It can be absolutely any sound, both artificial and natural.

Participation in the project does not require much effort. You need to record a video of the audio event that caught your attention. And send it to me, indicating your name and shooting location.

Your name and location of the recording will be placed in the credits of the new film, as we did in the previous ROTONDA project dedicated to the sounds of doors. ROTONDA was shown in Germany, the USA and at the Barcelona Film Festival. Can be viewed here


1. You can be present in the frame, play on a found sound object, or film some kind of sound event without being present in the frame.

2. Video recording must be made in vertical format (preferably 9:16). You can use a regular smartphone.

3. If the video has a lot of extraneous noise masking the main sound, then there is no point in making it and sending it.

4. If possible, name your files as follows: First Name_Last Name_Country_City/Location (where the entry was made)

5. It is best to send your videos via to me at Please do not send videos via facebook or whatsapp as they compress the video very much and the quality becomes very poor.

Example of recordings:

Facebook group:

I will be glad to see your participation in the project.

I would be grateful for spreading this invitation through your friends and social networks.

